Who knows best?
One simple truth in this world is that most of us agree that science doesn’t know everything; we see too much going on to give up on experiences that lie outside of scientific approval.
A slightly deeper truth is that scientists and sceptics who do not believe in psychic gifts or complementary therapies and the like base their views not on what they know – but on what they don’t know!
Generally we like to think – or more accurately science would like us to think – that scientists explain the workings of the world and the rest of us just have to listen and learn. There is no room in the scientific model for ‘hands on’ healing or techniques such as acupuncture, reflexology or Feng Shui – let alone the less tangible ‘psychic’ experiences that range from ‘gut feelings’ up to telepathic connections and clairvoyance plus dozens of other activities.
To be fair the best scientists do insist that when they see the evidence to the contrary they will change their view – Professor Sir Richard Dawkins is one who says as much and I believe him; one day I hope to get my chance to put it to the test! Even then science itself – my main target – makes it very difficult for anyone, even famous and respected scientists, to change the model; Charles Darwin himself is just one example of new concepts coming up against old beliefs.
In general sceptics and debunkers come from differing standpoints to dismiss matters that they know nothing about – but who is right, those who practice (or are helped by) the techniques that sceptics deny or those who do not involve themselves yet believe they know best? Logic tells us that those who know little or nothing about any subject are the least qualified to comment about it. We should therefore all be listening a bit more closely and with a more open mind, to those with more experience.
Of course you have to take into account the extent to which it might be in someone’s own interest to be making unfounded claims. That however cuts both ways; on the one side someone who has a healing ‘gift’ might make false claims to boost their story – but by the same token science and sceptics face a big problem to their mainstream beliefs and even to their credibility if they are proved wrong. The diehards from every persuasion will be more than a little damaged if the rule books have to be re-written; not something they would welcome!
I could make an argument that healers, complementary therapists and psychics actually have less to lose given that they are kept on the back foot anyway by those who strongly voice their opposition – but there is no need. The fact of the matter remains that someone with the gift of ‘healing hands’ for example knows for certain if he or she has a genuine gift and their clients will back up everything they claim.
Those with no knowledge or experience of healings can only offer an opinion; when it comes to evidence and experience they know nothing for certain at all. It is for that reason that I am determined to reveal evidence and truths about what I do know. It is in everyone’s interest to see for themselves – and to benefit from – opportunities that can change lives; those of us who know these things have a responsibility to pass it all on to others.
Jeff Jeffries
Next week: Part two, “10 things most people don’t know about ‘healing hands'”.